HR Compliance Made Easy Bootcamp: A Practical Guide

With a whole host of employment laws and compliance issues, HR professionals can easily be overwhelmed.
Duration: 1 Day
Hours: 3 Hours
Training Level: All Levels
Single Attendee
$199.00 $332.00
6 month Access for Recorded

About the Course:

From every phase of the employee work cycle, from before you hire until after termination, there are records that must be kept. In addition, there are records that you should keep that will help you in every phase of the employee work cycle. From I-9s to job descriptions to annual performance reviews to ensuring your exempt from overtime employees are really exempt medical records to leave requests to medical records to records of hours worked and pay records, you will learn about what records to keep and why they are critical.

Course Objective:

  • To become familiar with the basic employment law documents, I-9, job description, new hire package, must-have policies, annual review, write-up leave request and medical records, FMLA records, documenting events in the work cycle, and a termination checklist

Who is the Target Audience?

  • Business owners and managers, department heads, human resource professionals, accountants, tax preparers, office managers, and paralegals

Basic Knowledge:

  • No basic knowledge needed

Total Duration: 3 Hours
The pre-interview process, job descriptions, and interview questions
The new hire package
The annual reviews
Overview of FLSA: ensuring your exempt employees are really exempt
Records you must keep to win FLSA claims
Overview of Title VII, ADEA and Pregnancy Discrimination, and documents that improve your chances of defending these
Overview of FMLA and its forms
Overview of ADA and what records you must create to defend these claims
Retaliation Claims and how you can pre-empt them
Overview of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime and minimum wage
How to terminate employees with an employee checklist to reduce the risk of lawsuits